When you are in a car accident, you may walk away from the scene initially feeling fine. You may even decline any further medical care and assume you are not in any danger of further harm. However, a hidden traumatic brain injury following a crash can leave you...
Brooklyn Municipal Liability Lawyer
Brooklyn Municipal Liability Lawyer
Month: May 2022
Can distractions at the doctor’s office cause medication errors?
No matter what kind of medicine you need, you may not know that an error happened until days or weeks after starting to take dosages. This kind of malpractice often involves a doctor prescribing the wrong medicine or amount of pills to a patient. One of the most...
What are some signs of spinal cord injuries after a fall?
Falling on your back or at an awkward angle on your side can leave you in pain more than you realize. After the initial incident, you may begin to notice an increase in signs of serious, long-lasting health problems. One of these potential injuries is a spinal cord...