There are many reasons individuals don’t get a prenup before entering into matrimony. Above all, they may not know how to ask for a prenup. Weddings are a time of coming together, of unity; for obvious reasons, the days leading up to one’s wedding may not seem like...
Brooklyn Municipal Liability Lawyer
Brooklyn Municipal Liability Lawyer
Family Law
New York Winter “Cabin Fever” Can Cause Domestic Violence Spike
Last month, New Yorkers experienced one of the coldest, most dangerous blasts of polar air the region has seen in decades. With these frigid temperatures, more people are staying indoors, relying on the furnace to keep them warm until spring. For some families,...
Valentine’s Day: Chocolates, Flowers, and Divorce Papers
Valentine’s Day is nearly upon us in Brooklyn, New York, and for many, a spirit of love is in the air. For some, however, Valentine’s Day takes a less romantic turn—to divorce. As it turns out, the period immediately following Valentine’s Day...
Olympic Skier Bode Miller’s Child Custody Battle in Manhattan
Child custody is one of the most serious areas of law, in my opinion. The fate of the child—and of the parents or vying guardians—lies in the hands of the court. With the everyday life of a child hanging on the decision of a judge, it is so important to...