Going through divorce is challenging on a number of levels. You’re separating your life from the life of someone you used to love very much. Depending on your situation, you may be dealing with feelings of guilt. If the divorce is less than amicable, you may be...
Brooklyn Municipal Liability Lawyer
Brooklyn Municipal Liability Lawyer
Rebuilding Credit after Bankruptcy
The decision to file bankruptcy is a difficult one. For many individuals, it can feel as if they’ve decided to do something bad or even criminal. There may be feelings of guilt or failure. It doesn’t help matters that bankruptcy can damage one’s credit score....
Bankruptcy Mystery at New York Wine Storage Business
As a Brooklyn, New York bankruptcy attorney, I have seen many people climb out from under the extraordinary weight of extreme debt through the help of bankruptcy. Once in awhile, however, a story will grab my attention. A one-time financial advisor and publisher of...
Recent Decline in National and New York Bankruptcy Filings
Despite the economic downturn, recently a rather surprising statistic was announced, June ended with a decline in bankruptcy filings. This dip is welcomed news after a long stretch of the same old depressing economic downward spiral. The drop in filed bankruptcies was...